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Still Life 
For my still life drawing I choose my black Instax camera, BTS' 'WINGS' album, and a simple flower vase. I tried to use the full shading range which was a little difficult due to the face that 2/3 of my items were plain black and the lighting of where I was sitting wasn't too good. But I think i did pretty well overall and I am very happy with the way it turned out.
Line Quality

The line quality drawing was a bit difficult for me due to the fact that there was a lot of rope-ish things there and I had to try to figure out how to draw them in a good quality. Other than that I would say it comes together pretty well, I think more detail can be put into it, but it's very good in my eyes.

Three cups

The proportions in my 3 cups drawing were very off and there is no shading. I think since this is my first drawing that it has a slight excuse to be bad. But hopefully in the future I work on getting details, details, and proportions. 

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